Chateaux Mini is the result of collaboration between me and Etienne Fritsch from l’Atelier du Etienne

We had the luck to meet at the ruins of the Chateaux Ottrott. Him being photographer and maquettist engaged in multiple associations taking care of castle ruins. Me being expert in 3D technologies passionate about capturing and digitizing the ruins. We immediately realized that our skills complement each other perfectly and started working together to preserve as many castles as we could.

The scanning of castle ruins has high cultural value as not every castle ruin in Alsace is taken care of. Many of them are abandoned in disrepair and slowly erode away. Even the castles fortunate enough to attract group of people to form association taking care of them erode slowly. By law the ruin can not be rebuilt unless there was extensive documentation or historical record of original state. 

We can see damage already by comparing captures performed just a single month apart with one major storm in between the scans.

As the result of our collaboration we have digitized around 20 castle ruins. With many more in pipeline. This models were used in our book, to create physical maquettes and displayed in multiple exhibitions. You can see this models yourself in AR by buying our book ”CHÂTEAUX FORTS D'ALSACE ET DRONES”  published by ID Edition. Or you can ask for 3D printed, hand painted miniature by contacting us on our Facebook page.